Qianhai Rail and Master Planning

As part of a special economic zone along China’s Pearl River Delta, Qianhai is developing fast – and it needs an ultra-efficient transportation system to keep up with increasing demand.
That’s what Hassell, our client and our collaborators WSP are delivering through a far-reaching rail and master planning project for the city.
Together, we’ve planned and designed seven new underground stations to link seamlessly with the existing Shenzhen Metro. They’ll form part of a safe, sustainable rail network to serve Qianhai’s growing population and enhance its liveability.
Each station precinct forms the heart of a series of mixed-use urban hubs that have opened up opportunities for commercial, retail, entertainment, recreational and residential developments.
We designed the stations themselves as distinctive urban landmarks, illuminating access points with beautiful ‘beacons’ that make entering and moving around easier and more enjoyable for users. With multiple ways to enter and exit the stations, we’ve also made sure that overcrowding won’t be an issue in busy pedestrian areas.
Together with our client, we’re also looking further into the future, developing a 10-year master plan that pinpoints the right places to put new rail lines and stations – the Qianhai precincts predicted to see the greatest growth in coming years.
Design team