Strengthening our commitment to reconciliation in Australia with our Reflect RAP

Celebrating the publication of our newly endorsed Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) — the first formal step on a journey of reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our Reflect RAP is a journey we began many years ago by respectfully listening to, learning from and working with Australia’s First Peoples across our projects and via specific programs such as our Cultural Engagement Working Group.
Officially endorsed by Reconciliation Australia our RAP lays a strong foundation for the work we want to do across our practice to support the national reconciliation movement in Australia for years to come.
“Together we are working to embed First Nations Australian perspectives in our design process, create a culturally safe environment, and promote our industry to the next generation of First Nations designers,” says Hassell Chair and Managing Director, Rob Backhouse.
“Ultimately, we’re seeking to not only advance reconciliation in Australia but to also elevate First Nations perspectives globally.”
— Rob Backhouse, Chair and Managing Director
Our Reflect RAP features artwork by Nani Creative, an Aboriginal-led studio based in Perth, Western Australia. “At its centre, the circle [in the artwork] represents the meeting places where we come together to yarn and share ideas,” says Wongutha artist and designer, Kevin Wilson of Nani Creative. “Around this, the orange and yellow lines stand for First Nations peoples, with the greens and blues symbolising Hassell, the organisation and its employees.
“As the design spirals outwards, it illustrates the ideas and projects we pursue together, into the communities we work in, and the impact we have on them through our joint effort.”
Discover more on our current initiatives and future commitments by downloading our Reflect RAP