Lunar Horizons in Fortnite: An immersive reimagination of Hassell’s Lunar Habitat Master Plan

Launching today, Lunar Horizons is a new immersive, 3D reimagination in online video game Fortnite of a future European Space Agency (ESA) mission featuring Hassell’s Lunar Habitat design.

As a player in Fortnite, you must collect resources to build up the Hassell Lunar Habitat as you learn more about the wonders of space exploration. Lunar Horizons isn’t all about winning — take a moment to talk to the astronauts and interact with the lunar landscape to learn more about this real life planned mission and our journey into space. 

Take a giant leap into the making of Lunar Horizons by checking out Fortnite Create’s developer blog for a deep space dive into how this experience was built.

Learn more: https://​fn​.gg/​L​u​n​a​r​-​H​o​r​i​z​o​n​s​-​d​e​v​-blog


